Monday, December 12, 2011

A VISITOR????!?!?!!!!

Last night after church my pastor's wife said, "You don't know HOW MANY times I have seen you in church and THINK who is that visitor?!?!? Sooooooo I just stared blankly at her like WHAT??? I'm thinkin FOR REALZ??? WHAAAAAT???? I'm dressed like SUPER HOLY, MODEST, APOSTOLIC!!! She is just look SOOOOOOOOOOO DIFFERENT!!!! Your shape is like a different person's!!! I was OOOOOOOOOOOO!!! HAHAHAHA!!! 
I said...I thought you were thinkin I looked worldly or something!!! SHe is like, NO!!! She just meant that I look sooooo DIFFERENT!!! I'm like sweeeeeeeet!!! :)
♥Mary Frances :)

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Guess what I can do now???


 I CAN NOT BELIEVE IT!!! I havn't been able to this in a REALLY, really, REEEEAAAALLLLLY long time!!! Like...since I was a kid or something!!! I discovered this TUESDAY night at our ladies cookie exchange at church!!! I was soooo SERIOUSLEY OFF THE WALL...HYPER!!! LOLOL I was like bouncing all over the place and without even thinkin about it I started skipping and then I was like OMW!!! OMW!!! OMW!!! I'm like OMW...SKIPPING!!! I couldn't believe it!!! It made me soooo HAPPY to be able to do this again...which...of course made me EVEN MORE HYPER!!!
Soooooo I had Jac take some pics of me SKIPPING!!! She was do realize that you look like a TOTAL DORK...RIGHT??? I was like...You DO REALIZE that I could CARE LESS...RIGHT??? LOL!!! Cuz...i'm SKIPPING...
don't be JEALOUS!!! ;))) 
♥Mary Frances :)

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Oooops UPDATE!!!

I meant to update THIS blog but accidentally posted it HERE!!! Soooo Go HERE if you want to read it!!! LOL!!! :)))
♥Mary Frances :)

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Sooooooooooooo I'm sure you all are wondering...
DID MARY go off her diet for THANKSGIVING???
I go off for ALL MAGOR HOLIDAYS!!! That does NOT include stuff like, Labor day, Hanakuh, Martin Luther King Day, Comumbus day, Memorial day, Presidents Day, Kuwanza, Groundhog day, Verterans mean I would NEVER be on if I did that!!! HAHA!!! BUUUUUT like Easter, 4th of July, Thanksgiving, Christmas, MY BIRTHDAY...OH and aparently my brother John's BIRTHDAY, he considers it a NATIONAL HOLIDAY for me cuz he INSISTED that I go off for his day!!! I was like oh i won't be going off on your birthday and was like OH YES YOU ARE!! I was like NOPE!!! I'm not going off till Thanksgiving and he was like NO!!! I WANT YOU TO GO OFF FOR MY BIRTHDAY!!!
Thats part of your present to me!!! Cuz he was making HIS PIZZA which is AMAZIN....soooooooooo i'm like okaaaaaaaay FINE!!! LOL! Sooo I went off FOR HIM...but of course I STILL got him a present...$35 on the Screwtape Letters Audio drama...which is $10 mor bucks then what HE SPENDS on his bday presents...YES...he only spends $25 NO MATTER on bday presents...he is such a cheapscape!!! LOL...but trust me I LEFT the price tag on my present for him!!! AHAHA!!! But I didn't tell him I had a coupon!!!
AnywayZ, oh yeah, someone was askin me if I go off on Valentine's Day and i'm like WEEEEEEELLLLLL i guess if I like HAD A REASON to go off on Valentine's Day...but thus far I do NOT!!! AHAHAHA....soooo I should probabley STAY on so I can GET A REASON to go off!!! ;)
Soooooooo anywayZ, I gained like 4 pounds on Thanksgiving!!! Mmmmm it was all sooooo goooooood!!! I didn't even really bother with Turkey...I was like...I can eat Turkey ANY day on my diet...HELLLLLLLLOOOOOO CARBS!!! Its beeeen soooooooo LONG since we've hung out!!! LOL!!! I'm like RICE, STUFFIN, Aly's PUMPKIN ROLLS, BREAD, Double P.B CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM!!!!!! YAAAAAAAAY!!!!
SO I I had gained two pounds on the Monday before from my brother's bday and then in the two days before Thanksgiving I lost them!!! Then I gained four pounds from THanksgiving and have lost all those plus one more pound sooooo GO ME!!!


♥Mary Frances :)

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Mary update!!!

Heeeeeeey EVERYONE!!!
Just wanted to give a quick update on my weight loss...YES I am still losing weight!!! I weighed in this morning at 284...I looked at Kim...who weighs 165 pounds LESS than me... and said DON'T BE JEALOUS!!! HAHA!!! 

My diabetes is doing GREAT!!! My blood sugar level in the mornings is usually in the high 80's!!! Normal blood sugar for a person without diabetes is between 70-120...soooooo that means mine is doing GREAT!!! 

Health wise I feel WONDERFUL!!! I rarely ever take naps anymore!!! I just don't hardly feel tired even gettin up at 5:30 am and not going to bed till LATE!!! I mean...I'm not really a mornin person...and I ALWAYS feel tired when I wake up...but as soon as I have my coffee....LOL!!!

Oh yeah...I'm NOT doing the HCG diet anymore!!! Mainly because I had come to a standstill on it and I was gainin MORE weight on the loading days then I was really even losin...Sooooo i was just like YOU KNOW WHAT... I lost like 70 pounds on it...thats I gotta figure somthing else out!!! Weeeeeellllll I'll tell you all what I'm doin on my next post AND I'm sure you all are just dyin to see some more FULL shots of me....RIGHT?!?! LOL  Okaaaaaaaaay its coming...I just gotta take some good ones!!! :) 

Sooooooooo i've lost a grand total of 124 pounds now...YES...I know I'm AWESOME...BUT please go ahead and tell me...I still want to hear the encouragin words!!! ;)
♥Mary Frances :)

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Healthy snacks!!!

Soooo i've determined that I want to develop a lifestyle of eating EVEN healthy snacks. As, in mostly fruits and veggies and occasional VERY low calorie, sugar free snacks. I just want it to become my lifestlye, if I feel like munching on something when i'm not even hungry its gonna be an apple or something like that!!! 
I'm trying to make it a habit that I don't make it a regular occurrence to even eat, healthy-unhealthy snacks...LOL! What I'm talkin about is like nuts or WW snacks and stuff like that because even the these are somewhat healthier snacks...I kinda like tend to not be able to just stop with the serving most ww snacks are still a lot of carbs and sugar and nuts are high in fat and aren't good for me to go overboard with...AND lets NOT EVEN talk about sugar free chocolate...OMW!!! ITS SOOOOOO GOOD!!! Lol and I still kinda like TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY lose it around CHOCOLATE!!! So I figure I will save these, healthy-unhealthy snacks for when I do feel like indulging every once in a while or whatever!!!

Soooooooo with that thought in mind, I would like to share with you all THE MOST AMAZIN snack everrrr that I just discovered last night from a free sample at Costco!!! (Thank God for Costco samples...Right???

What I discovered IS... 
Mrs. Mays Freeze dried fruit chips!!! 100% natureal!!! 39 calories! No fatt!!! No sugar but the natural sugar that is already in fruit!!! If you look at the ingredients, the ONLY ingredient is whatever fruit you are eating!!! (i.e. Pears, starwberries or apples) They are soooo GOOOD!!!  I absolutely LOVE THEM!!! 
Mrs. Mays also has freeze dried pineapple and peaches that I would LOVE to try!!!
Especially the pineapple but I haven't found those ones anywhere yet...if have...let me know where I can buy them!!! :)
They, the apples, pears and strawberries, are at Costco for $12 for a box of 20...NOT the cheapest...BUT...eating healthy NEVERRR is!!! HAHA!!! Then again...Doctor bills, presciptions, buying bigger clothes, diabetes and heart attacks aren't exactly CHEAP either...Know what I'm sayin??? ;)

I'll be letting you know MORE of my favorite HEALTHY snacks in the future....Weeeelll heeeeey if you have a favorite healthy snack let me know...I would LOVE to hear about it!!!

♥Mary Frances :)

Thursday, October 20, 2011


 I just got done lookin at NYC pics of myself from our first trip back about 6 or 7 years ago and I am literally in AWWWWWWWWWW of myself!!! I! CAN! NOT! BELEIVE!!! HOW!!! HUGE!!! I!!! WAS!!!!!! OMW!!! Sometimes I look in the mirror and I just can't really seem to fathom that I have even lost a lot of wait!!! Its like people tell me that I look sooooo DIFFERENT but I don't get what they are even saying...BUT I just looked at these pics of myself and I am just like WOW!!! I STILL have a LONG WAYS TO GO...but OMW...
God has brought me soooo FAR!!!
I was lookin at this pic the other day, and I just started crying...I can't believe that was me...over 100 pounds ago...I'm NEVER GOING BACK!!!!!!
♥Mary Frances :)

Saturday, October 8, 2011


I am NOW fitting into a size 18/20!!!!!!! I can NOT beleive it!!! WOW!!! God is soooooooooooooooooooooooooo GOOOOOOOOOOOD!!! There is nooooo waaaaaaaay I could have accomplished this without HIS HELP!!!!!!! THANK YOU JESUS!!! I mean, when I look in the mirror, I look the same to me...and I thought...OH there is noooo way this will fit me yet....but I'll just save it...then I put it on and OMW it totally did!!! I now have three 18/20 skirts! Like 5 18/20 tops and like a buncha 1x stuff!!!! I know to some of you all these sizes are still HUGE but...we're talkin about a girl that came from a size 34!!!!!!!! SCREAMING!!!!!!!!!!

♥Mary Frances :)

Sunday, September 25, 2011


WOW!!! I really, really, REALLLLY need to be updatin this more often!!! I know I can't update on here daily...siince I already do that on my other blog...BUT I need to come up with some sort of routine of consistency!!!!!!! I think maybe 2-3 times a week or case anyone is interested...I have been on my matienance phase for the last several more week of that and then I start my loadin days this Friday & Saturday...WOOOOT....I figure for my sisters bday it would be a GOOOOOOOOOD to do!!!! Then Next Sunday starts me BACK on the HCG!!!

♥Mary Frances :)

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Weight loss size/weight goals...

I thought THIS was an interesting article about dress sizes!!! Particularley this section of the article..."Marilyn Monroe’s dressmaker claimed her measurements were 35”-22”-35” when she posed for(...) in 1953, according to Despite the oft-cited anecdote that she was a size 12, she would really be more like a size 2 or a 4 by US standards." I always KNEW she wasn't NO size 14...LOL!!!! (Read the whole article HERE)

AnywayZ, as for myself, I have no dress size goal, no specific weight goal. It doesn't matter what the charts say, what matters is how I FEEL, what the mirror says...and when the time gets closer, but I STILL HAVE A LONG WAYS, i am going to pray about it and aske GOD what is the right weight for me...after all... HE IS THE ONE THAT MADE ME soooo it would make sense to get HIS oppinion on the matter!!! RIGHT?!?!?

So anyone else that has lost weight, HOW did you come up with what was the right weight for YOU???

♥Mary Frances :)

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Thats RIGHT i've made it to my NEXT lil goal on my way to my next BIG GOAL!!! I weighed in this morning at 289.9...OMW...I'm SIKED!!! Okaaaaaaaay I know one more oz and i would be back up to 290 but STILLLLL.... I got OUT OF THE 290's!!! Here I am TODAY...As of about two hours ago...

This shirt didn't fit me just A MONTH AGO when I got it!!!!!
♥Mary Frances :)

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


"Strength is the ability to break a chocolate bar into four pieces with your bare hands - and then eat just one of those pieces." - Judith Viorst

Okaaaaaaaay sooooo maybe i'm NOT quite STRONG  yet...I still kinda go cRaZy around chocolate...BUT... I'm defanatley workin on it!!! Lets just say i'm LIFTING WEIGHTS to build my strength ... And just you of these days I'm gonna be STRONG!!!!! :)))

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

My outfit!!!

So I bought this skirt sometime in the end of April/early May and when I bought it, it was waaaaaaaay TO SMALL!!!

I wish that I could post a before picture of how the skirt fit me so you all could see just how tight it was...BUT...I'm thinkin that would be inappropriate to post EVEN if it looked really BAD!!! LOL!!! But I felt HOPE for it and determined that it WOULD fit me by Old Time Camp Meeting in June!!!  Sooooo i worked really, really, REALLLLLLY HARD and guess what????

My self esteem was sooo high when I wore this outfit...I mean my hair came out PERFECT and EVERYTHING!!! I told my sis self-esteem was so high in the sky, i'm pretty sure it was ticklin the feet of Jesus on His throne!!! LOL She just gave me that, "you need HELP!" look!!! (Which I happen to get quite often!!!) HAHAHA!!!
Then she asked me if it was high enough to propose to the HOTTEST GUY in Pentecost and I was like, WEELLL... maybe NOT THAT HIGH!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!! But then I rethought about it and I was like welllll...MAYBE it was actually that high...BUT...there is just some things you don't do cuz they are IMPROPER....
(I wore it again this past Sunday to my church and guess what??? it fit even better...YAAAAAAAY!!! Sooooo if your dyin to see this outfit on me...just wait till Youth Alive!!!:)

Monday, August 15, 2011


Made it today to my FIRST LITTLE goal in my new set of goals workin towards MY NEXT BIG GOAL of 265!!!!!!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

First week results!!!!

Weeeeellll...I lost 11.9 pounds my first week back on HCG...which is waaaaay cool cuz that means I lost ALL the weight I had gained from my loadin days, my birthday splurge AND my vacation Florida splurge!Soooooo i'm weighing in for the past THREE days now at 298.7...I'm ready for another loss...TOMORROW!!!!!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Day two!!!!!

I made it through day one back on HCG!!!! I lost 4.7 pounds when I weighed myself this morning sooo just a few more pounds to lose from my loading days!!!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Today is my first day back on HCG since the end of June...I woke up STARVING!!!!! LOL! I'm like WHY does that ALWAYS HAPPEN???? Do you really think it could be in your mind causin you to ACTUALLY feel HUNGRY?!?!

Saturday, July 30, 2011


I'm startin my HCG loading days TOMORROW!!! I'm just sooooooo READY to get into the LOSING mode again...especially with YOUTH ALIVE coming up in less than a MONTH or I guess its actually a little MORE...I'm just SUPER EXCITED!!! AnywayZ I can't WAIT to be able to FIT IN ALLLLLL THE RIDES!!!!

Get ready DISNEYLAND...


Okaaaaaaaaaaaaay sooooooooo I had like the hugest moment of my life!!!! 

My seatbelt on the airplane FIT!!
No fatty extension!
I was soooo happy!!!!
I know I look really bad in this picture(AND I do NOT say that VERY OFTEN!!!;) but I don't EVEN CARE!!! It was MY MOMENT!!! Maybe you guys don't get it, this is the FIRST TIME EVERRRR that I didn't have to ask the stewardess for a seatbelt extension!!! FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE MY SEATBELT FIT ME!!!! (Well since I started travelin at 18...I'm pretty sure I fit when I was two and we moved from NYC to here...HAHA!!!)

Sooooooooooooo then it gets even better!!!! About halfway throught the flight I decided to put my food tray down to lean on it and read my Bible...WEEELLL was I EVERRRR in for a SURPRISE!!! MY TRAY ACTUALLY WENT DOWN!!! I mean like ALLLL THE WAY DOWN!!! AND get this folks...there was even like an inch of space!!! I felt like SOOOOOOOO THIN!!!
I was like MOM!!! MY TRAY GOES DOWN!!! and she was like all happy for me and I was like dancin in my seat and she was like, its ok Mary, Just go ahead and scream!!! SOOOOOOOOOOO I DID!!! LOL!!! It wasn't even that loud just like a little high pitched shreak...NOTHING compared to what I was feelin inside!!! Wellll would you believe that the lady in front of me turned around and gave me the DIRTIEST look EVERRRRR!!!???? I was like WOW!!! It wasn't even that loud...I wanted to tell her that I could REALLY scream a WHOLE LOT LOUDER!!! Trust should see me when I get spooked...or when there is a contest at church...HAHAHA!!! Anywayz...You would think that as a FELLOW FATTY..she woulda been sharin in my joy with me...BUT NOOOOOO!!!! She had a TOTAL ATTITUDE!!!


Thursday, July 28, 2011


Sorrrrrrrrry i Haven't been updatin on here since my SCARED post...HAHA!!! BUT I am doing JUST FINE!!! I lost all the weight  i gained durnin my birthday weekend before I left for the trip...then I splurged on my trip and have a few pounds left to lose from that before i'm at my original weight startin this last maitence phase...I plan on startin back on the HCG in the beginnin of AUGUST!!! My sis says its good that i'm learnin how to lose any weight I gain durin a splurge and not to just let it keep pilin on...LOL! AnywayZ I hope you all are STILL prayin for me!!!!! I STILLLLLL NEED IT!!!!!! :)

Friday, July 15, 2011


Soooooooo I haven't really written on here in a while...There hasn't been MUCH to say EXCEPT that I've been really enjoyin my maitenance phase this time around!!! LOL I'm A LOT calmer this time around about it!!! this VERY moment I am NOT feelin CALM about it!!! I'm soooo scared!!! WHY??? Cuz This evening starts the birthday PARTYING!!!!! I'm scared about gainin WEIGHT!!!!

First i'm Headin to Tucson tonight for for REAL Mexican food at my friend's house...then tomorrow is our HUGE birthday swim party, my sis ordered us a cake with CANOLI fillin...which is pretty much like THE AWESOMEST stuff EVERRRRRRR!!!! LOL! THEN MONDAY is mine and MJ's actual BiRTHDAY!!!!
We're going to go around and get birthday freebies, then my sis is gonna take me to Maggianos for lunch, THEN my mom is cookin a family birthday dinner...Soooooo know I'm doomed...HAHAHA!!!

 HOWEVER...I'ma be a good girl and STILL stick to my diet on SUNDAY!!! AND I'm NOT going off till my friend Lorraine's FOR THE MEXICAN food!!! Then THE OTHER thing I'm trying to figure out is this Should I go BACK on the 500 calorie diet on Tuesday??? Or should I keep doing matienance till after my florida trip next Thursday??? Auuuuuggggghhhh this is soooo HARD!!!LOL!!!!

Pray for me!!! Alll guidance and words of wiseDUMB are wanted!!! :)))

Saturday, June 25, 2011

New goals!!!!

Soooooo my NEXT BIG GOAL is 265!!! My reason for choosing this is because then I will have lost exactley 100 pounds since the beginning of the year!!! Thats 34 pounds to lose since my FIRST BIG GOAL!!! (Also you can read about my first set of goals HERE!!!)

Soooo here are all my little goals till I get there...

1. 295
2. 289
3. 280 (This is how much I weighed in 8th grade when I lost like 50 pounds)
4. 275
5. 269
6. 265 (100 pounds since Jan 2011)

Here are some of my non-scale goals
1. to fit into this pink Jacket

Its a Nine West I got at Goodwill for $6 bucks!!! Size 1x NON-stretchy material!!!

2. for THIS jeans skirt to be comepletely TO BIG FOR ME!!!

See HOW TIGHT this skirt was on me when I first fit into it??? Well its PRETTY LOOSE NOW!!! But NOT to big!!! As adorable and cute as I think this skirt is...I WANT IT TO BE TO BIG!!! :)))
3. I want the size 26/28 to be ALWAYS to big for me!!! It pretty much is like waaaay to big for me on my shirts but not on my skirts!!!

4. To be able to cross my legs like THIS!!!

5. For my collar bone to show
6. To NOT have to ask for a seatbelt extension an the air plane!!!
7. to fit on all the rides at the amusement park!!! (Well i'll make an exception for the kiddie rides;)
8. To Hike the mountain by my house
9. For my collar bone to SHOW!!! I seriousley CAN NOT WAIT FOR THAT!!! I'm gonna like be feeling sooooooooo COOL when this happens!!! I just have this feelin my collar bone is gonna be like sooooooooo CUTE!!!

Once again, I am NOT sure of what my final, grand finale goal is!!! It may be 208, it may be 175 or somewhere in between or even less or more!!! I HONESTLEY DO NOT KNOW!!! I have NEVER in all my life been thin!!! The last time I weighed in the 100's was in 4th grade, I weighed 175!!! By 5th grade I was in the 200's and it just kept gettin higher and higher and higher!!! I do know that I am a VERY big person in general not even just talkin about FAT!!! I am 5'8, I wear a size 12 wide shoe, I have HUGE hands and broad shoulders...THATS JUST ME!!! Soooo as I get closer to my goal I will make more of a decision then!!! I have a LONG ways to go still!!! Welll thats ALL FOLKS!!! I'll keep you posted and LET YOU KNOW when any of these goals happen!!! TRUST ME...there will be lots of pics!!!

AND if you haven't already read it...
you can read about me reaching my FIRST BIG GOAL HERE!!!

Monday, June 20, 2011


  • Healthy Bunch® Bars

  • I'm soooooooo HAPPPPPY to hav found these!!! I think they taste sooooo GOOOOOD!!! Sugar free and sweetened with splenda...YUMMMMM!!!! I tried them and I STILL lose weight while eatin these so its like the PERFECT summer treat!!!  Somebodey say...

  • GLORY!!!!

  • (Btw- They don't sell these at all locations I've only found the multi-packs at Bashas && the creamsicles at Albertsons. You can find store locaters at the sight!!! Go HERE)
  • Saturday, June 18, 2011

    Update!!! :)

    Wellll i'm weighing in at 296 this morning...the weight has been coming of SLOOOOOOWLY since gettin out of the 300's but then again the black suit now totally fits me...which is weird since i've only lost 3 pounds since last tryin it on!!! Okaaaay you guys soooo I REALLLLY am gonna post my new goals tomorrow OR MONDAY!!! I have them ALLLL writtten out...For REALZ!!! :)))

    Sunday, June 12, 2011

    Something cool...

    Soooo my pastor's wife said something pretty cool to me tonight!!! She said just think, you are closer to your goal now than you are further away from it! I was like OH YEAH!!! I thought that was a COOL way of puttin it...cuz sometimes I think OH I still have soooooo far to go...BUT now I am closer to my goal than further from it!!! SWEEEEEEEEET!!!!

    Today I wrote out all my next goals so I will blog about that tomorrow!!! Weighed in this morning at 297!!!! Btw- did you guys know...

    Thursday, June 9, 2011

    Fat pics!!!

    Check this out!!! This is me this past OCTOBER!!! I've lost ALOT of weight since then!!! If anyone has any FAT pics of me before losing weight...PLEASE send them my way!!! They are VERY encouraging to see and keep me going!!! SERIOUSLEY!!!

    Monday, June 6, 2011

    Soooooooooo THIS is LOVE!!!!

    OMW!!! You guys!!!
    i'm sooo IN LOVE WITH MY SCALE!!!

    Soooo I'm bloggin this, facebookin this, tweetin it, mass emailin it and mass textin this!!! LISTEN FOLKS!!! I DID IT!!! Today I made it to my FIRST BIG WEIGHTLOSS GOAL!!! Don't be jealous ladies ;) ;)... BUT... I just weighed in at 299.6!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I'm soooooo HAPPY!!! I'm NO LONGER A 300 POUNDER!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOT!!! The LAST TIME I weighed in under 300 was in 8th grade...AND I've been graduated from highschool for ten years sooooo its been about 15 years!!! OMW!!! So since the beginning of this year I have lost 66 pounds, 56 pounds since the middle of March AND a total of 109 pounds overall!!! YAAAAY!!!
    Now that I have reached MY FIRST BIG GOAL...ITS TIME TO MAKE A NEW ONE!!! So someone was asking me what I do to celebrate whenever I reach a goal and i'm like wellll... basically just brag about it to EVERYONE and OF COURSE take pictures of myself!!! Basically, I am MY OWN PAPARATZZI!!!! HAHAHAHA!!! Btw- guess what EVERYONE???

    I'm NO LONGER A 300 POUNDER!!!!

    Sunday, May 29, 2011

    IT FITS!!!

    I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!! My blue shirt thingy FITS ME!!! As you may have read in my GOALS fitting into this blue shirt thingy was one of my goals!!! Now when I first bought this shirt in March it didn't even get past my shoulders!!!
    NOW LOOK!!!
    It seemed like it was gonna take FOREVER for it to fit!!! My goal was for it to fit by Old Time Camp looks like I got to it 5 weeks early!!! WOOOOHOOO!!! Omw!!! NOW what am I gonna wear??? ;) LOL AnywayZ... I LOVE it...but its really annoying cuz it gets wrinkly when i sit down...ugh!!! Oh and btw-I call it my blue shirt thingy cuz its ACTUALLY a dress!!! HAHAHA!!! Can you imagine a girl my size ACTUALLY wearing it like that...EVERYONE be thankful that I'm in church!!! :)

    It feels soooooo GOOOOOD to be reaching my goals!!! 6 more pounds and i'll be at MY FIRST BIG GOAL!!! OMW!!! I'm almost there people!!! I'M ALMOST THERE!!!

    Friday, May 27, 2011


    I've lost 48 pounds since starting the HCG diet, 58 pounds since the beginning ot this year, AND 101 pounds since my origninal weight!!! I've finished my stabilizin phase of the diet, maintained my weight, gained 7 pounds on the loading days and lost it all and one more pound since Tuesday!!! I weighed in this morning at 307.9!!! I'm sooooooooooo SIKED!!! You guys...

    I'm ALMOST in the 200's!!!

    Wednesday, May 18, 2011

    The night call!!!

    "At night I hear the voice of pie and sometimes ice cream calling to me from the fridge. Broccoli is strangely silent."

    I saw this quote the other day and it totally cracked me up!!! Especially since I had this dream that I went to sleep with a fork in my hand!!! In my dream my sis was like WHY did you got to sleep with a fork in your hand and I was like IDK!!! LOL! Then in the dream I had this huge fear that I was sleep-eatin!!! Bahaha!!!

    Oh MY!!!

    I haven't updated on here in a while!!! Sorry folks I've been BUSY and my other bloggy comes FIRST!!! ClassicMaryMoments is pretty much the love of my life...FOR NOW!!! ;) I will post SOOON!!!

    Tuesday, May 10, 2011

    Walking again!!!

    I went out walking again with the little boy I take care of!!! I walked all the way from my house to the Mountain View of these days i'm actually gonna hike the mountain, i've done it like half way before but I didn't see me doing it with a little boy in a stroller!!! HAHA!!!

    While I was walking along the road I saw a mamma quail and all her lil babies crossing the road in a line...they were sooooo CUTE!!! See thats the cool thing about walking and excercising outdoors, you get to see all kinds of interesting things like, rabbits, lizzards, flowers, know, interestin stuff...haha!!!

    Monday, May 9, 2011

    The dreaded word!!!

    EXCERCISE!!! LOL! I went out and walked for a while today!!! I had decided yesturday that TODAY I was gonna start excercising...Soooo I had the stroller ALL READY and was about to put Levi, the little boy I take care of in and head out when i as reminded that my nephew Jose was also coming over today.

    I was like AWWW MAN!!! (Not that I didn't want him to come over, (he is ALWAYS welcomed)i just didn't know HOW I could go on a walk with two little boys and only a one seater stroller) Soooo then I remembered that we had a little red wagon that I could put the boys in. So I buckled them in and they loved it!!! Well I mean who wouldn't love being pulled around in a little red wagon??? I KNOW I sure would!!! ;)

    Anywayz, I'm not sure how far I walked, but it was probabley like a mile or something...It was to this mountain that has a hiking trail by my house. Its a good little wayz a way...I've hiked it a little bit before but obviousley NOT this time!!! LOL It was difficult enough back then when I had been walkin for a while, I could only imagine it pullin the little red wagon...HAHA!!!

    Sooo it was nice...I think tomorrow it will be waaaaaaaaay easier without pulling the wagon!!! Soooo excercise...HERE I COME!!! Watchout peeps...pretty soon i'll be running and biking with Sis. Kathy!!! :)))

    Sunday, May 8, 2011

    Only one pound!!!

    I found this and thought it would be inspiring to all my fellow dieters!!!

    Only One Pound
    Hello, do you know me?
    If you don't, you should. I'm a pound of fat,
    And I'm the HAPPIEST pound of fat that you would ever want to meet.
    Want to know why?
    It's because no one ever wants to lose me;
    I'm ONLY ONE POUND, just a pound!
    Everyone wants to lose three pounds, five pounds, or fifteen pounds, but never only one.
    So I just stick around and happily keep you fat.
    Then I add to myself, ever so slyly, so that you never seem to notice it.
    That is, until I've grown to ten, twenty, thirty or even more pounds in weight.
    Yes, it's fun being ONLY ONE POUND OF FAT, left to do as I please.
    So, when you weigh in, keep right on saying, "Oh, I only lost one pound."
    For you see, if you do this, you'll encourage others to keep me around because they'll think I'm not worth losing.
    And, I love being around you - your arms, your legs, your chin, your hips and every part of you.
    Happy Days!!!
    After all, I'm ONLY ONE POUND OF FAT!!!
    - Author Unknown

    Saturday, May 7, 2011


    Sooooooo today is a HUGE day in my life!!! SERIOUSLEY HUGE!!! I have OFFICIALLY lost 100 pounds of FAT!!! LOLOL!!! OMW!!! I am sooooooo EXCITED and HAPPY!!! My heart is just jubilant!!! (Is that even a word???)

    Sooo i've lost 100 pounds but its NOT since I started the HCG diet(7 weeks ago)...The HCG diet i've lost 45 pounds, since the beginning of the year I've lost 57 pounds and since my highest weight (408) I've lost 100 pounds!!!...which is a HUGE deal for me!!!AND OMW!!! I can't stop lookin in the mirror...Which is REALLY NOTHING NEW...BUT...LOL!

    I weighed in at 308 this morning!!! :)))

    About 5-6 years ago I weighed in at 408 pounds. Its THE HIGHGEST I have ever weighed and as far as I could see it was a hopeless, endless case. Then without realizing it, towards the end of 2007 I began to lose weight. Probabley because I had become diabetic and didn't realize it and when your sugar is high you lose weight. So I was surprised that I had lost weight, but people had started noticing, sooooooo in 2008 I decided to REALLLY try losing weight and through Atkins and Weight Watchers I managed to get down to 326 at my absolute lowest. took me till the end of 2008 to get there, then in 2009 It kinda started going downhill from there. I couldn't seem to get past 326 and before I knew it the pounds started coming back on till OMW I was at 365 again, which is where I was at the begining of this year, WCC, Conqueror's Conference...I was sooooooo MAD and Frustrated with myself...BUT at least I had NOT gained back ALL MY WEIGHT!!!

    So I lost like ten pounds in the first three months of this year. Then I started hearing about the HCG diet and I was like Hmmmm...should I??? I mean its like a REALLY INTENSE diet!!! LOL But with the help and encouragement of some other Apostolics I got the push and support I needed to start. AND on March 17th of this year, I started the HCG diet weighing in at 353!!!

    This morning I STEPPED on the scale and it said 308!!! I could NOT believe it!!! 308!!! NOT 309! NOT 307!!! 308!!! EXACTLEY 100 pounds!!! It was a BEAUTIFUL sight to see!!! Seriousley, I could have KISSED the scale!!! Do you know what it feels like to have lost 100 pounds???? It feels AWESOME!!! I mean, I'm not gonna like, I'm pretty proud of myself!!!
    (This is me TODAY!!! I thought what pic should I have my 100 pound loss taken in?!?! I should I wear something black cuz its more slenderizing??? NO WAY!!! Cookie monster ALL THE WAY BABY!!! :)
    408, 308...
    Who's ready to...
     see me at 208???

    Friday, May 6, 2011

    Phase 3!!!

    Soooo I am doing good so far on phase 3 of this diet!!! I started on Wednesday eating more food and I thought for SURE on Thursday I would have gained a pound but NOPE, sure enough when I got on the scale and weighed myself it was still 315!!! So I guess even though it seemed like MORE food it wasn't really that much the goal is keep it at 315 for three weeks without gaining although I may still lose some weight on this phase...

    Soooo this is me this past Sunday at 315, the weight I am supposed to stabilize until May 25th. HOWEVER, I did ACTUALLY lose four more pounds yesturday!!! I weighed in today at 311...BUT I was soooooo SICK with the stomach flu that I think that is the REASON for that weight loss so I so don't know if its a REAL weight loss or not I guess I'll just have to wait and see!!! CUZ MAN was I SICK yesturday!!! Ugh!!!

    Well..HOPEFULLY this was a true weight loss cuz if it is do you know what that means?!?!? YUP!!! Only 3 more pounds to go until I have reached my next little goal, THEN my next little goal will have brought me to MY FIRST BIG GOAL!!! (Read about my goals HERE!!!) Keep prayin folks!!!

    ALSO check out my friend Priscilla Hildalgo's weight bloss blog as well...she is doing Atkins, leave her an encouraging word!!! :))) Check her out HERE  

    Thursday, May 5, 2011


    I have had this shirt for over three years!!!! I got it right before my brother got married in the PI three years ago. It has NEVER looked good on me...BUT I LOVED THE SHIRT!!! I could NEVER get rid of it cuz I just knew that if I EVER lost the weight it would look AWESOME!!! Welll...that just wasn't happening!!! I wore it a few times but my brothers told me I looked PREGNANT!!! HAHA!!! AnywayZ, I thought last wednesday like, HEEEEY I should just try that shirt on and VIOLA...It fit PERFECT!!!

    Jac said I looked SKINNY!!! I was like ummmm WOW!!! Thank you...I mean I'm NOT!!! Still weighing in at 315, well actually last week when I got this pic it was like 318...but ANYWAYZ...this was another YAY MOMENT FOR ME!!! :)))

    Monday, May 2, 2011


    I have decided to go on my next phase of this diet...the stabilization phase...i'm REALLY nervous about it!!! I think I really need to do it i'm just worried about gaining weight!!! Well phase 3 won't start until Thursday of this week. First you have to do 3 days of the 500 calorie diet without the HCG, so I did the first day today and YEAH you totally feel HUNGRY without the meds!!! Soooo Thursday is my big day...I'm gonna do some studying on what all I should be eatin durin this phase and find some good recipes and try to come up with some plans!!! Keep prayin for me FOLKS!!!

    Sunday, May 1, 2011

    Good news!!!

    I'll post some pics tomorrow BUT...I have some GOOD news!!! I lost all the weight I gained last Sunday plus two more pounds this week so i'm at 315!!! YAAAAAAY!!!! Well i've been on this diet for 6 weeks now...I'm supposed to start the 3 week maitnence phase this week...but i'm not sure...we shall wait and see what I decide!!! Your supposed to tOTALLY absolutley take the mainence phase after three weeks...BUT I read somewhere that the ONLY exception to this rule is IF you are MORBIDLY OBESE...and I FO SHO still fit into that category!!! If I keep losing i'm just gonna KEEP LOSING!!! Sooo yeah... 16 more pounds and I'll be at 299...MY FIRST BIG GOAL!!! I can't wait you guys!!! I want this sooooooooooooo BAD!!! I would appreciate it sooooooo much if you all kept and my weight loss in your prayers!!! I NEED IT!!! :)))

    Tuesday, April 26, 2011


    Soooooooo I decided this past Sunday that since it was EASTER and we were all cookin and stuff that I was gonna go off for just that one day...I had totallly planned it. WELLLL...that was like the BIGGEST mistake EVER!!!

    First of all, let me tell you all about a few things I learned going off my diet EVEN before I realized what a mistake it was... 1. I could see right away that I had already changed the way I look at food...its weird...hard to explain...but it was just DIFFERENT!!! 2. Nothing seemed as good when I tasted it as it did when I actually saw other people eating it and was resisting it...with the exception of Dove Chocolate AND MOUNTAIN DEW...those two things were JUST AS GLORIOUS as I remember!!! HAHAHA!!!

    ANYWAYZ, I had figured I would gain like 2-3 pounds which was NOT cool but not a huge deal right?!?! WRONG!!! My brothers, both gained two pounds and EVERYONE ELSE that I have talked to that is on the HCG diet that went off for Easter gained like two pounds... Guess how much I gained???

    SEVEN POUNDS!!! SEVEN POUNDS!!! I was SHOCKED!!! I got on the scale Sunday morning and weighed 317...THEN I got on the scale Monday morning and weighed 324!!! Talk about a TOTAL HEART BREAK!!! Needless to say I learned my lesson and I am NEVER cheating again...NOT even for my birthday!!! I mean what's the point?!?! It took me like TWO weeks to lose that seven pounds and I gained it all back in ONE DAY!!!

    So even though I messed up BIG TIME, I think in a way it was good for me to learn this lesson. I also know that because it was such a high gain I will NOT be  tempted to do this again...had it ONLY been two pounds it would not be a big deal. I can't tell the difference that I have gained any weight, my clothes aren't any tighter, of course ALL my clothes are too big for me now anywayZ so I guess I wouldn't even be able to tell!!!
    Even though I was, AND STILL am pretty bummed, I have NOT given up. I told myself to stop having a pity party and just get back up and keep going!!! Sooooo I'm back on track... I weighed in this morning and had lost ONE of the pounds soooo thats good...6 more to go!!!

    Well, I REALLY hated writing this blog post...It would be soooo much easier and funner NOT tellin you all about this HORROR...BUT I figured I should be HONEST!!! Cheaters NEVER win and you can't help a LIAR!!! (Plus they go to HELL!!!)

    Monday, April 25, 2011

    ???Walden Farm Prodcuts???

    Soooooooo have any of you out there ever heard of WALDEN FARM products??? They sell all kinds of dips, salad dressings, sauces, syrups, jams that are all FAT FREE, SUGAR FREE AND CALORIE FREE!!! Which just kinda seems a little FREAKY to me!!! LOL!!!!

     Supposivley, they are made from "All Natural" ingredients. Which would be TOTALLY cool if they ACTUALLY are...I just find it HARD to believe...I'm skeptical...just to be HONEST!!! I don't really like the idea of inhaling into myself a bunch of chemicals and junk...Of course I'm willing to give them a try...I'm NEVER to scared to try something new!!! HAHAHA!!! If anyone knows anything about these products HOOK ME UP with some info puhleeeeeeeze!!! :)

    Sunday, April 24, 2011


    Okaaaaaaaaaaaaaay soooooooo I have this favorite black shirt that I love and like wear with EVERYTHING!! Well, I had not worn it in a REALLY, REALLY long time and on saturday, without even thinkin about it I pulled it out of my closet and threw it on to go run errands with my mom...Well when I looked in the mirror I was in for a TOTAL SHOCK!!!
    Okaaaaaaaaaaaaaay here I am with Sis. Kendricks and some other friends, wearing it at Youth Alive this past september 2010...

    Here I am the middle of this past March, after my New York trip, wearing it at Roadrunner Park...


    Okaaaaaaaay, yeah I know I look like a TOTAL reject && DORK, but still...LOOK AT MY SHIRT!!! Its SOOOOOOOOO LOOOOOSE!!! Its hanging on me!!! I was like SOOOO SURPRISED!!! You shoulda seen me, I was like showin it to EVERYONE at prayer Saturday night...LOL!!! Like LOOOOK!!! My shirts TOO BIG!!!

    Soooo do You guys see THE DIFFERENCE?!?!?!??!

    Tuesday, April 19, 2011


    These are SPECIAL for you AMBER!!!
    The last jean skirt I had was a size 34
    Here I am TOTALLY rockin my size 28, no elastic, completely straight jean skirt!!!
    This is my FAVORITE skirt ever!!! I LOVE IT!!!
    Pardon my wet, stringy hair I just washed it...
    but I'm NOT gonna lie...
    I think I look pretty CUTE!!! ;)
    Soooo here is a little update on my weight loss!!! I have now lost 32 pounds!!! I'm weighing in at 321. I'm fitting into my sisters clothes now. I havn't lost any weight the last two days BUT I did a check with ketosis(Ketosis means fat burning mode) strips and my body is still in the HIGH fat burning mode...soooo I guess I really am still losing inches...I just had to go out and buy the strips to see for myself!!! Thats the kind of person I am...i just WANNA KNOW!!! :) Also, I havn't taken any diabetes medicine in at least two weeks and my sugar has been mostly in the high 80's -90's!!! SOOO AWESOME!!!


    SOOOOOOOOO i like fit into ALL these CUTE jean skirts!!! Like, my sis said that I could have them cuz she never wears them and LIKE OMW!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE they fit me!!! SOOOOOOOOO cute!!! When my sis came home from work and saw the skirt on me she said that she could REALLY tell that I had lost weight!!! AND like, I guess wearin it was an eye opener for me...cuz to me when I look in the mirror I just look the same!!! BUT when I put on those skirts I was like...OH YES...ITS OFFICIAL...

    I'M SHRINKING!!! :)

    Friday, April 15, 2011


    I find it VERY intersting that people will hear that I'm on a 500 calorie diet and they like FREAK OUT!!! Is that safe??? Are you sure? Don't you think you should be eating more? Doesn't your body NEED more? But know one worries like that about eating a Whopper or Big Mac...I'm just like HMMM....

    The other thing I find VERY interesting is the question I get asked when tell about this diet...


    Is it healthy losing weight soooo quickley??? My answer to that question is this...Is it HEALTHY being MORBIDLY OBESE??? Hmmm...Idk...I could be wrong BUT I'm pretty sure that losing weight is bether than weight 408...

    Idk...its just a THOUGHT...I could be wrong!!! ;) Hmmm...


    "It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not." ~ James Gordon

    Thursday, April 14, 2011


    I've lost 30 pounds now!!!!! YES!!! I'm totally siked!!! So I read online something you can do to get out of a stall if you are stalling. You have a mug cake and steak day. You eat a 3.5 oz steak for lunch, 3.5 oz steak for dinner and have a mug cake for dessert...doing this isn't in the HCG protocol BUT it totally works if your stalling...and WAAAAAAAY better than an APPLE DAY...ugh...LOL!!! Another way to break a STALL in weight loss is to TOTALLY go off the diet and then back on but when you do that you gain a few pounds and then the weight loss continues steadily least thats what people are saying...I STILL HAVN'T CHEATED!!!! Yay ME!!!

    Two more weeks then I have to take a 3 week break without the HCG to stabilize my weight loss. During this time I stick to a very low carb diet, i guess kind of like what i'm doing right now I can just have more calories. Alot of people still lose some weight during this time so HOPEFULLY I am one of those people!!! :)))

    Sunday, April 10, 2011

    Impressing WHO???

    So one of my brothers was asking me the other day about my losing weight, he is all like, Ok Mary, who is it? What guy are you trying to impress? I'm like NO ONE!!! HONESTLY I just wanna lose weight!!! Like i'm sick and tired of being FAT!!! And he is like, come on Mary, I know there has gotta be some guy..." Cuz I know he is just trying to figure out if I like someone cuz I havn't talked about any particular guy in quite a while!!! And he is like, I KNOW YOU MARY, who's eye are you trying to catch??? Sooooo I'm like okaaaaaaaaay wanna know who's eye i'm trying to catch??? I ain't gonna lie...I'll tell you....its
    And thats the STRAIGHT UP HONEST TRUTH!!! ;)))

    Saturday, April 9, 2011


    Welllll the apple day WORKED!!! I lost THREE pounds which has brought me down to my next little weight loss goal of 326!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! PRAISE THE LORD!!! That sure was a HARD three pounds to lose!!! I had PLANNED on being there this past TUESDAY but oh well I GOT THERE!!! NOW from this point on any weight that I lose is the SMALLEST any of ya all have seen me since 8th GRADE!!! I'm sooooooooo EXCITED!!! CHECK ME OUT!!!! LOLOLOL!!! :)

    Friday, April 8, 2011

    Apple day!!!

    Today is an apple day. I weighed in this morning EXACTLEY the same as yesturday...sooo that means I have to do an apple day. What I have to do is take the HCG medicine and starting from lunch time today to lunch time tomorrow i'm supposed to eat 6 apples...SUPPOSIVLEY this is suppoesed to work and start up the weight loss again...we shall see...they told me to call them back in two days and they'll tell me what to do next...I was hoping they would say Spinatos would reset my system...LOL!!!

    AnywayZ, I decided to make this a somewhat interesting endeavor, soooo last night at Sprouts I picked out 6 different kinds of apples to eat. A fugi, a Pink lady, a pinova,a red delicious, a braeburn and a granny smith...I'll let you all know which one is my favorite!!!
    My ALL time favorite is the HONEY CRISP APPLE!!!
    OMW!!! These apples are SOOOOO good!!! I LOVE them!!!
    They are like Juicy and sweet and just the right about of CRISP!!! ABSOLUTE PERFECTION!!!

    However, they are also quite pricey and also out of season...soooo sad!!! I discovered them when I first started this diet. The produce man at Fry's said this was the LAST batch they were getting in and asked me if I wanted a sample...ONE SAMPLE and i have been HOOKED ever since!!! I didn't even realize the price and I got a bagful and was shocked when they told me my total was $19.99!!! I was like WHAT??? HOW MUCH ARE THESE APPLES!?!?! LOL Soooo I only got two!!! If I had that kinda money to spend I TOTALLY would have...HAHA!!! AnywayZ, you all have GOTTA taste HONEY CRISP APPLES!!!

    Whats YOUR favorite kind of apple?!?!?

    Thursday, April 7, 2011


    WEEEEEELLLLLLLL i've been stuck on 329 since SUNDAY!!! Ugh!!! Thats VERY frustrating!!! I called up the diet place and they said this is NORMAL to stall for 4-5 days....I'm like NOOOO!!! BUT I'm TOTALLY hanging on!!! NOT CHEATING AT ALL!!!! :)

    On the brighter side, my blood sugar was down to 96 today... without medicine...THATS AWESOME!!! I was ranging in like the 300's maybe even 400's before I started this diet. A normal person's sugar is like 70-120!!!! My mom told me I shouldn't even take my medicine if its that low!!! Soooo yeah...i'm doing BOMB...totally gonna reverse this type 2 Diabetes!!! :)

    Also...sooooo I found ANOTHER shirt that totally fits me!!! I had forgotten ALL ABOUT IT!! I found it at Savers like a year or so ago but it just didn't fit tight and I hung onto it for a while BUT then I donated it to our church's Blessing Boutique. Well the other day I was in there going through some stuff with another one of ther girls from my church and I was like..HEEEEEEY I WONDER if this shirt will fit now...

    AND IT FIT!!!
    SoRRY I couldn't get MORE in the pic its HARD to do full body shots yourself!!!
    BUT wait CHECK OUT the sleeves...

    Soooooooooo CUTE!!! Soooooo yeah...I took it RIGHT back outta the blessing boutique!!! I know we're supposed to put stuff in to be a blessing to others BUT heeeeey... I was a blessing to MYSELF by losing weight!!! :)))