Thursday, April 7, 2011


WEEEEEELLLLLLLL i've been stuck on 329 since SUNDAY!!! Ugh!!! Thats VERY frustrating!!! I called up the diet place and they said this is NORMAL to stall for 4-5 days....I'm like NOOOO!!! BUT I'm TOTALLY hanging on!!! NOT CHEATING AT ALL!!!! :)

On the brighter side, my blood sugar was down to 96 today... without medicine...THATS AWESOME!!! I was ranging in like the 300's maybe even 400's before I started this diet. A normal person's sugar is like 70-120!!!! My mom told me I shouldn't even take my medicine if its that low!!! Soooo yeah...i'm doing BOMB...totally gonna reverse this type 2 Diabetes!!! :)

Also...sooooo I found ANOTHER shirt that totally fits me!!! I had forgotten ALL ABOUT IT!! I found it at Savers like a year or so ago but it just didn't fit tight and I hung onto it for a while BUT then I donated it to our church's Blessing Boutique. Well the other day I was in there going through some stuff with another one of ther girls from my church and I was like..HEEEEEEY I WONDER if this shirt will fit now...

SoRRY I couldn't get MORE in the pic its HARD to do full body shots yourself!!!
BUT wait CHECK OUT the sleeves...

Soooooooooo CUTE!!! Soooooo yeah...I took it RIGHT back outta the blessing boutique!!! I know we're supposed to put stuff in to be a blessing to others BUT heeeeey... I was a blessing to MYSELF by losing weight!!! :)))