Sunday, September 25, 2011


WOW!!! I really, really, REALLLLY need to be updatin this more often!!! I know I can't update on here daily...siince I already do that on my other blog...BUT I need to come up with some sort of routine of consistency!!!!!!! I think maybe 2-3 times a week or case anyone is interested...I have been on my matienance phase for the last several more week of that and then I start my loadin days this Friday & Saturday...WOOOOT....I figure for my sisters bday it would be a GOOOOOOOOOD to do!!!! Then Next Sunday starts me BACK on the HCG!!!

♥Mary Frances :)

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Weight loss size/weight goals...

I thought THIS was an interesting article about dress sizes!!! Particularley this section of the article..."Marilyn Monroe’s dressmaker claimed her measurements were 35”-22”-35” when she posed for(...) in 1953, according to Despite the oft-cited anecdote that she was a size 12, she would really be more like a size 2 or a 4 by US standards." I always KNEW she wasn't NO size 14...LOL!!!! (Read the whole article HERE)

AnywayZ, as for myself, I have no dress size goal, no specific weight goal. It doesn't matter what the charts say, what matters is how I FEEL, what the mirror says...and when the time gets closer, but I STILL HAVE A LONG WAYS, i am going to pray about it and aske GOD what is the right weight for me...after all... HE IS THE ONE THAT MADE ME soooo it would make sense to get HIS oppinion on the matter!!! RIGHT?!?!?

So anyone else that has lost weight, HOW did you come up with what was the right weight for YOU???

♥Mary Frances :)