Sunday, April 28, 2013

First push up!!!

Soooooo I was SUPER EXCITED the other day cuz I did MY FIRST everrrr push up at the gym!!! I text all my friends this pic below!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!
Anywayz, I was soooooo excited about it I showed my personal trainer it, buuuuuut she was like, she was proud of me annnnnnd said that it wasn't QUITE a push up!!! I'm like okaaaaaaay WHATEVERRRR!!!! In the FATTY WORLD...that was soooooo a PUSH UP!!! LOLOL!!!
She said I got an E for effort tho!!! HAHA!!! She said she she is a total sticker for push ups being EXACTLEY when you go down nose TO THE GROUND!!! I'm like okaaaaaaay cool....buuuuut aparently NO THERE is like no one that says they do there push ups quite that way!!!
♥Mary Frances :)

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Work out CUUUUUUTNESSS!!! ;)

Soooooooooooo I like HAAAATE going to the gym to work out and I like look all DUMPY!!! If there is one thing I hate is lookin like a FRUMP!!! AHAHA!!! Buuuuuut how does one accomplish cuteness when doing something that is work!?!?! I'm thinkin okaaaaay, how can I combine, sporty, feminine, cute and MODEST all together???
Weeeellll it IS POSSIBLE!!!
First of all, I bough some colorful converse sneakers!!! I'm a huge All Star Converse fans....THEN I needed a new skirt to work out it...SINCE my personal trainer was holding up my skirt from falling down while I was doing mountain climbers...LOL...She was like, UH SHOPPING TIME!!!
Sooooo I headed to Wal-Mart to buy this long black skirt that I had seen, buuuuuuuut they were all out, I was kinda bummmmmmed buuuuuuut THEN I found this black jumper annnnnd I realized it was perfect cuz even if I lose weight it won't fall off!!! HAHA!!! Then I figured I could wear my different colored shirts and shoes with my accessories and they all match my black jumper!!! Plus, I like the jumper cuz its really lighweighted and very long!!!
Soooo between my different colored accessories...I'll keep you all posted...
More CUTENESS to come!!! :)
♥Mary Frances :)

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Woot! Woot!!!

20 pounds off since joining Jenny Craig! I've completed 3 full weeks so far and started week 4 today!!!
Obviously I'm very excited!!! Haha! 
Btw: I do hav the My Fitness Pal App on my phone if anyone wants to connect to me! :)
♥Mary Frances :)

Friday, April 12, 2013

Jenny Craig...

Soooooo I KNOW that I had told you all that I was going to join Medifast...buuuuuuut after like researching and talking to different people about it...I wasn't mom was like NOT thinkin I was gonna like the food! I was tellin Hanna and she was like, MARY thats like a really big deal that you need to think about because your a REALLY GOOD COOK and your used to GOOD TASTING FOOD!!! I was like Awwwww...THANKS for the compliment...annnnnd YES this is TRUE what if I HATE THE FOOD??? Annnnnd it was all like just add water...ahahahaha soooo hmmmm...
I was thinkin about it, I was looking up other programs because you see there were TWO things that I was DESPERATLEY looking for with what I wanted in a weight loss program, STRUCTURE AND ACCOUNTABILITY!!! I am a person that has NO STRUCTURE in myself buuuuuuut absolutely THRIVES within it from others!!! Annnnnnd I NEED accountability!!! Like ONE ON ONE...face to face...EYE TO EYE...LOL!!! Like I really liked the Weight Watchers program annnnd IF you stick to it works GREAT!!! Buuuuut for a person LIKE ME...theres just to many loop holes...HAHA...annnnnnd the group meetins always kinda ANNOYED ME!!! They weren't personalized for ME and what I NEEDED annnnnnnnnd there was always ONE person that like dominated the group thats like FREAKING out cuz its Halloween and there is CANDY and its Christmas theres cookies...yada, yada, yada...LOL
Well I was at my mom's and I was talking to her about LOSING WEIGHT and i'm like MOM I really want to do something!!! Like, I do NOT want to be like this, I really, REALLY want to be a healthy person annnnd sooooo my youngest brother Abe was like, well i'm not doing it BUT there is this guy at my work that has lost a lot of weight with Jenny Craig maybe you should find out about that...I was like Oooooo...I've heard they're food is really good to!!! Soooooo I researched it, went in and learned about the program, tried the food and like it  ALOT...
I mean, IS THE FOOD as good as MY COOKING??? Then answer to THAT question is NO!!! HAHAHAHA...Can't LIE people...Buuuuuuuuuuut... MY COOKIN is WHY I'm AT JENNY CRAIG!!! Well its been almost two weeks now and i'm doing GREAT annnnnnnnnnnd LOVING IT!!! I'll talk more about it to come!!! :)
♥Mary Frances :)