I just got done lookin at NYC pics of myself from our first trip back about 6 or 7 years ago and I am literally in AWWWWWWWWWW of myself!!! I! CAN! NOT! BELEIVE!!! HOW!!! HUGE!!! I!!! WAS!!!!!! OMW!!! Sometimes I look in the mirror and I just can't really seem to fathom that I have even lost a lot of wait!!! Its like people tell me that I look sooooo DIFFERENT but I don't get what they are even saying...BUT I just looked at these pics of myself and I am just like WOW!!! I STILL have a LONG WAYS TO GO...but OMW...
God has brought me soooo FAR!!!

I was lookin at this pic the other day, and I just started crying...I can't believe that was me...over 100 pounds ago...I'm NEVER GOING BACK!!!!!!
♥Mary Frances :)