Soooo I've been doing SOOOOO good on my diet!!! I'm sticking to it EXACTLEY!!! The thought of cheating hasn't even entered my mind. I'm like WHY cheat??? Cheaters NEVER win AND it will only slow me down and i'll have to suffer longer!!! So the other night, after ANOTHER perfect day of eating right I went to bed.
The next thing I know I was eating EVERYTHING in sight!!! Chocolate, CHEEZY, greasy PEPPERONI pizza, cake, ice cream, hamburgers, MORE CHOCOLATE, I mean, I was just going to town!!! And I was thinking like, OMW, I can't believe i'm doing this!!! I was doing ABSOULUTLY FABULOUS on my diet and now i'm ruining EVERYTHING!!! Aaaaaaaa!!!
I was heartbroken and soooooo DISAPOINTED in myself!!! Then all of the sudden I realized, LIKE omw i'm NOT messing up...I'm ASLEEP!!! I'm still doing AWESOME!!! THIS ONLY A DREAM!!! So I went right back to eating!!! (LOL) I kept thinkin...Just a dream. Just a dream. Just a dream. Just a dream.
Only thing I can't figure out is...
WHY was my hand on the fridge when I woke up????